Achieve Perfect Delivery: Top Teleprompter for Broadcast and Recording Excellence

Teleprompter prompts a speaker to deliver his written script with the help of an electronic system without losing eye to eye contact with the audience. Using our powerful ‘Teleprompter’ system, the presenter directly looks into the camera/audience without looking down to his written notes and delivers his script effectively. Our professional ‘Studio-Prompter’ is the best teleprompting solution that easily runs on any multimedia computer system. The feature-rich prompting system provides all the functions of erstwhile teleprompter with the latest features and enhancements needed by any organization. Since the script scrolls down on a specially designed glass surface mounted in front of camera, the speaker can control the flow of the script including hitting a pause, take on questions and resume delivery of his speech thereby User Friendly Easy-to-use and having user friendly management.

Makes You Fluent & Consistent

No need to learn script for effective, confident and accurate delivery. You look natural and fluent speaker.

Saves Time & Effort

It saves time & efforts in speech preparation & practice. Maintains an appropriate speaking pace.

Your Professionalism Will Grow

Enables presenter to maintain eyeto-eye contact with the audience. Speaker looks more professional.

Speech Teleprompter
stage teleprompter

Highlights of VAC Teleprompter?

Dual Screen Prompter

Dual screen feature helps to operate the prompter from backend, while speaker only has to focus on speech



Vantage Prompter supports all Indian/foreign languages. Therefore, you can speak in any language you want.


Import Word/ Text Files

You can prepare your speech in MS word/Notepad and directly import the file in software to start prompting.


Desired Speed Control

You can follow your pace to speak. Software allows you to increase, decrease prompting speed at your conveniance.



It allows to select mirrored prompting to read the content on the mirror, also swith to un-mirroed to start scroll on your laptop screen/PC monitor.


Color Selection

It has color palette to select color for font/ background. We recommend white as a background and black/blue as font color for better readabilty.


Built-in Text Editor

It has buil-in rich text editor, where imported text will be displayed, you can type, edit, change font type, size, bold, underline, and justify the text.


Remote Control

We provide the wireless remote with our prompter. It allows you to start/stop scroll, increase, decrease the speed, or rewind the scroling.


VAC Teleprompter Specifications

Features Description
File Support RTF/Word, Text, PowerPoint
Multi-Language Support Yes, all Indian and foreign Languages
Multi-Language Support Yes, all Indian and foreign Languages
Control Wireless Remote, Mouse, Keyboard
Back-End Control Allows other person to monitor speech as per speaker’s convenience
Adjustable Speed control Yes, many options to control scrolling speed as desired
Colouring Fonts Foreground & Background Colour selection
Pointer to maintain eye contact Yes, Pointer helps to maintain eye sight at reading line
Inbuilt Editor Yes
Line Spacing Yes, insert line spacing as required
Prompting Mirrored & Unmirrored Prompting
Formatting Text Yes, Increase /decrease font size, change font types, colouring, text alignment etc.
Remote Control Using Keyboard, Mouse, Wireless Controller (Play/Pause/Stop the Script, Increase/ Decrease Scrolling Speed at run-time)
Beam Splitting Mirror 70/30 Glass: 70% transparent and 30% reflective splitting mirror offers clear text and presentation visualization for speaker.
Speech Prompter Testimonial

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